I’m really hesitant to write this blog because I know if I use certain words, certain people could get offended. And I also know some parents do not like to hear such words. But bottom line, the reality in every middle-school and high school across America is that there are certain kids that are......how should I put it.....that are attracted to the same-sex. So knowing some people do not like to hear those "vulgar" words and so I don’t offend people, instead of using the oppropriate words, I’ll use the word “Happy” to speak about the males and females of this groups.
How should we, lovers of Jesus, react to HAPPY people that enter the schools, the work place, the restaurants, etc….? What should we tell a HAPPY person if they want to go to a Bible school? What if a HAPPY person came to our church and was praising God with outstretched arms? Would we doubt their “realness”? How would we react if our kids were hanging out with a HAPPY person on a Friday night? What if they were invited to a party full of HAPPY people and we knew there would be no drinking or drug use?
If we saw an old woman that attends our church getting harassed, we most likely would stand by her side and defend her. Would we do the same for a HAPPY person we don’t even know?
What if 9 out of 10 HAPPY people that attend middle school or high school feels as if they are harassed and mistreated by others? Would you stand up for them?
What if 3 out of 5 HAPPY people in middle school or high school felt like their lives were at risk on any given day at school? Would you defend them?
The middle schools and high schools of our cities have HAPPY people in them. They form groups like GLSA, HAPPY Student Alliance, and they protest the mistreatment they face day to day. Do we you feel such a group in uneccesary? Some HAPPY people walk around with HAPPY PRIDE symbols, whether it be a rainbow scarf, or a pin, to let people know they are not scared of what public opinion is regarding their lifestyle. Do we see this pride as obsurd? Do we question why someone can take pride in being "different" form what is "normal"?
If Jesus were around today, could we see Him being overly vocal about HAPPY people and the choices they make? Or could we see Him spending time with them to show them they are loved by the Father? Can we see Jesus sitting with them at a lunch, work, the mall, their homes. Or do we see Jesus at a rally protesting and telling HAPPY people they are destroying our families?
Bottom line, do we see Jesus leading the way for us to throw stones because WE are the perfect people? Or do we see Him kneeling next to a HAPPY person that's lying on the ground, writing in the dirt looking at us?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Posted by Jo-Jo Spencer at 3:33 PM
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I think the answer is fairly simple if we look to how Jesus acted in the Gospels...
its one of those great unknowns. there's been a huge wall built against accepting Happy people in the church and as a result (i would guess) this attitude has (or at least was) spread into school systems, etc. So, when faced with the question "is being happy a sin?" the church screams out "hell yeah it is", but i believe that it was Jesus Himself who said to Love Him first and foremost and to love your neighbor as yourself. He didn't say to love your straight neighbor only, or to love your non-muslim neighbors only, or non-alcoholic neigbors, etc. He simply said to love and I believe that He ment no matter WHO this person is or What this person does. So whether or not being happy is a sin isn't (shouldn't be) an issue for OUR CULTURE. If people claim to be created a certain way who are we to call them ALL liars? We are not to be the judges, we are simply to LOVE.
Interesting~ Such good thoughts~ Thanks for bringing the truth to the table instead of being yet another Christian to throw the topic of homosexuality under the rug~ Love that you have a heart for ALL types of people no matter what their lifestyle~
Good points Justin. Let's just love. Thx for the insight. And Missy, you know I luv when you add your 2 cents.
What I don't get is why we are us and they are them? Why do we seek to define ourselves by our behavior? By what we do in the bedroom? By what shade our skin tone is? By what motorcycle we ride? The Bible defines two groups; those that follow and those that don't. It also says what the fruit of each group is. All in all, the Bible tells us that we are in the world, and "God so loved the world," and so should we. Not to say that we condone behavior, but don't define a person by it either, or my name would be angry Mom sometimes, or gossip. The same note goes for how we define God, not by what He does, but by who He is!
Perfectly Said Jeni
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