When Martin Luther King Jr. had his big dream while he was vacationing on nearby St. Helena Island, I don’t think he had envisioned his dream to come true so soon. 46 years ago he had dreamt that we would be able to live in a country where the color of one’s skin would not matter. That white children would be able to play with black children. Where a man’s character would be all that matters. When he had th
at dream, he imagined unity amongst Americans. In all honesty, I don’t believe he imagined that in 46 years The United States of America would be united enough to elect our first black President. But that’s beside the point. The point is he had a dream and God has blessed our country with that dream. Segregation was only a couple of generations ago. A young African American woman said, “The only thing Martin Luther King was fighting for was equal rights. It’s eerie that we’re celebrating King’s dream on Monday and that dream comes true on Tuesday.”
Times are tough for many. Jobs are being lost. Gas is on the rise once again. Houses are being foreclosed on. With all things considered, how can we find hope in a conglomeration of despair? We need only to remember that our God is a God who does not sit still. He had heard the prayers of so many that were tired, and can here our prayers when we feel we can’t go on. He had been faithful to those who had been oppressed and wants to uphold us when we are being crushed. When all hope seemed lost, God had shown to be the greatest hope that never dies. He is the one that gives change when change is needed. And He is the one who allows us to dream big and gives us hope through those dreams. HE IS GOD!!!
So praise God for these days of Hope and Change. Praise God for raising up a young man in MLK that had enough reason to throw in the towel and lose all hope, but never forgot that God is a God that does not sit still. He is faithful and He hears the cries of those in need. Let these days of change remind us that God is a God who does not change but helps those that call out to Him.
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, 1963

Times are tough for many. Jobs are being lost. Gas is on the rise once again. Houses are being foreclosed on. With all things considered, how can we find hope in a conglomeration of despair? We need only to remember that our God is a God who does not sit still. He had heard the prayers of so many that were tired, and can here our prayers when we feel we can’t go on. He had been faithful to those who had been oppressed and wants to uphold us when we are being crushed. When all hope seemed lost, God had shown to be the greatest hope that never dies. He is the one that gives change when change is needed. And He is the one who allows us to dream big and gives us hope through those dreams. HE IS GOD!!!
So praise God for these days of Hope and Change. Praise God for raising up a young man in MLK that had enough reason to throw in the towel and lose all hope, but never forgot that God is a God that does not sit still. He is faithful and He hears the cries of those in need. Let these days of change remind us that God is a God who does not change but helps those that call out to Him.
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, 1963
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